Hong Kong city at night. Come with us as we see the amazing night skyline of Hong Kong.

The Journey starts at the top of Victoria Peak, down through the quiet CBD district (very atmospheric in the rain!) and then the view from Kowloon Bay. Finally, we head back downtown and the views outside our hostel.

The night was very beautiful and quiet with the rain having driven most of the people away.  Cesca and I spent a good hour or so around the CBD district taking photos and footage in perfect seclusion and silence. Every corner seemed to bring new angles and amazing lights. For such a busy and populated city, to have this huge area all to ourselves was very special.

Later, the famous view across the harbour was set off perfectly by the many boats plying the waters all lit up like Christmas Trees.  Here the angles all pan left to right as the skyscrapers sparkle and dance in neon lights.

Visiting this place inspired me to think of my favourite movie: Blade Runner.  So, I used the music and samples that I could find in my collection.

I hope you like the film!
