The day I met the Buddha, and killed him READ MORE {{title}} READ MORE OMEGA Speedmaster Professional “Moonwatch” review READ MORE {{title}} READ MORE And so I went for a walk... READ MORE Kyoto, Nara, Himeji, green tea and finding inner peace READ MORE A Wild Sheep Chase READ MORE "The Backroad to Bures" READ MORE {{title}} READ MORE {{title}} READ MORE The Alam Clock Lesson READ MORE What is Daoism/Taoism? READ MORE Things Will Change - a Basho travel film READ MORE Yaks for tea and Tibetan Temples. Living the high life in Shangri-la READ MORE Beijing and the Great Wall - Our final days in China READ MORE Jawbreaker - Ultimate AI Upscaled 4k edition READ MORE “Countryside walk” – Digital Watercolour READ MORE The Purpose of Travel - Now Published! READ MORE Waterdeep: Dragon Heist | Dungeons & Dragons READ MORE Udaipur READ MORE “Morgan” – Digital Watercolour READ MORE Children of the Red Rose READ MORE Varanasi - City of the Hindus READ MORE Mount Wudang and the Meaning of Life READ MORE Chan Buddhism, Daoism and Zen - Journey through the East READ MORE Basho rewrites: Rime of the Frostmaiden – Sunblight READ MORE {{title}} READ MORE The Hidden Context in some Great Movies READ MORE Remembering Catherine READ MORE
Welcome to the Outside Context Homepage2024-07-22T16:13:14+01:00


Articles and films from Outside Context have been licensed for use by airlines, featured in Webby award winning phone apps, published as degree level English exam questions, played on Indian evening news and in global advertising by Google.


Udaipur is famous for many reasons. To those in the west it is mostly known for its gleaming white Jag Niwas hotel found in the middle of one of its many lakes. To the Indians [...]

Remembering Catherine

"Remembering Catherine" by Basho Today, on the anniversary of her passing, I present a new painting; a present for my mother in law. This digital portrait was painted in Rebelle 5 Pro.

A Wild Sheep Chase

**Caution this post contains spoilers for The Wild Sheep Chase!** When I was a child, I had no one to play Dungeons and Dragons with, it being the 80’s and the game not being popular here in the United [...]

The Storm King’s Thunder and the Dragon’s Bane

There follows the campaign we have played all through the 2020 lockdown. It has helped us all resist the mental anguish of the COVID virus, recover from the infection itself and be a beacon of bright enjoyment for all. Truly the great value of this magical game cannot be overstated when played with attentive and imaginative children. So, I present the chronicle of my son, my daughter and my wife playing their first campaign after the starter set, Storm King's Thunder!

Magpul PTS AEG – Part Two

The first thing that hits you when you are trying to sling the Magpul PTS is that it is not heavy. Even with a battery and loaded P-Mag in, it still is lighter than many AEG’s. This is due to mainly to the size of the gun, the skeletonised stock and the light but strong plastic in the hand guards. I slung it to a Chalker “Tactical Bra” sling that hangs the gun directly on the bodies centre line. It was short enough that when I knelt it did not strike the mud, but of course if you are tiny then this may still happen to you.

Shimla mountains and a happy meeting

When you travel through a country, especially if you are using a published travel guide, you are walking a well trodden path. Indeed maybe a thousand people are doing it with you simultaneously. This has a very strong effect over time, as more and more guest houses start catering only to the backpacker and spring up all along the route, which had myriad knock-on effects. Such as: taxi services who know the guide books better than you do and hordes of travellers at ever corner all "experiencing" the local atmosphere; all the time failing to realise that they are in a "bubble" like a Disney theme park ride.

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