“In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we critics must face, is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new. The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations, the new needs friends.” (Anton Ego: Ratatouille)

The Storm King’s Thunder and the Dragon’s Bane


There follows the campaign we have played all through the 2020 lockdown. It has helped us all resist the mental anguish of the COVID virus, recover from the infection itself and be a beacon of bright enjoyment for all. Truly the great value of this magical game cannot be overstated when played with attentive and imaginative children. So, I present the chronicle of my son, my daughter and my wife playing their first campaign after the starter set, Storm King's Thunder!

The Storm King’s Thunder and the Dragon’s Bane2024-06-06T16:32:03+01:00

OMEGA Speedmaster Professional “Moonwatch” review


THE SPEEDMASTER PROFESSIONAL MOONWATCH. For well over half a century, the OMEGA Speedmaster has witnessed events that have tested the limits of physical endurance and human courage, including the first manned lunar landing in July of 1969 and every one of NASA’s piloted missions since March of 1965.

OMEGA Speedmaster Professional “Moonwatch” review2024-06-06T19:20:45+01:00

“Zombies, Run!” Review : a running game with bite!


I got into running about a year ago after ending up in hospital twice in three karate lessons. After the second time my wife and I had "a conversation" and I agreed to take up a sport less likely to cause injuries.I clearly picked the wrong one though.

“Zombies, Run!” Review : a running game with bite!2016-10-18T18:51:06+01:00

Christopher Ward C60 Trident “Bond” Review


Obsessions that you share with others can never be judged rationally as you lack the context needed to see them from the outside. In order to see them for what they really are you need an example of the same thing in a new context that you don't obsess over.

Christopher Ward C60 Trident “Bond” Review2018-04-08T12:30:46+01:00

Nike+ SportWatch GPS Review


“Way to get out there!” my watch gleefully announces. I watch its face, awaiting any further messages from its GPS ROM that has tracked my every move for months. In any other circumstances that might be a disturbing thought, but here the watch and its sister satellite high above my head record my movements like the Goddess Nike made flesh.Nope, nothing else, not today.

Nike+ SportWatch GPS Review2016-10-18T18:51:39+01:00

Stephen Hawking – “The Grand Design” book review by Basho


I’m an avid reader of New Scientist magazine. In fact I get it every week. The headline will usually be about something “quantum” or allude to some current or near [...]

Stephen Hawking – “The Grand Design” book review by Basho2016-10-18T18:52:03+01:00

Tactical Man Watch?


My friend, “Big D”, gave me a going away present when I announced that I was leaving for a year. It was, what he called, a “Tactical Man Band”. That is the classic macramé bracelets beloved of Girl Guides, made out of super strong and manly paracord used by soldiers. Not girly at all. Seriously. You, stop laughing.

Tactical Man Watch?2016-10-18T18:53:02+01:00

Slumdog Millionaire Movie Review


Cesca and I sat in the heat of the Mumbai movie theatre around the corner from the Victoria Station – that defining landmark at the centre of the city – and waited for the film to start. All around us were packed in hundreds of the Mumbai crowd. I scanned their faces. The film was in English with no subtitles, other than those found in the international edition, so most of the audience were those more educated types who understand English very well. None-the-less, I was sure that all over the city a large variety of people packed in to cinemas and movie houses to see this film and its greatest star.

Slumdog Millionaire Movie Review2016-10-18T18:53:25+01:00

ATC 2K video camera review


There are times in film making when you want to be able to capture environments that destroy normal equipment.  There are times when you need to be able to get a strange view point of the action.  There are times when you need to be able to leave the camera running and concentrate on something else.  These are also times when a full size camera would interfere with what you are shooting.

ATC 2K video camera review2016-10-18T18:53:25+01:00

Christopher Ward Kingfisher Diver-Pro review


What makes a man’s watch? It seems to me that the big names in male watches are struggling to sell their brands. Unfortunately this has led to truly hideous watches that have all the hallmarks of a marketing department struggling with not only reality, but also a sense of the times.The times are hard.

Christopher Ward Kingfisher Diver-Pro review2016-10-18T18:53:25+01:00

21 Days of EVE Online


I am currently working on a review of EVE Online for your reading pleasure. But, its deep! Very deep, and is taking me a long time to get to grips with. Nevertheless, this weekend expect my verdict on this amazing game!

21 Days of EVE Online2012-07-28T14:34:12+01:00

Basho’s art 1992 to 2011


I have finally finished a long time project (no more procrastination for me!) to scan in all my paintings, drawings and sketches from the last 15 years and post them up here. After all they were not doing any good in my case on my cupboard!

Basho’s art 1992 to 20112016-10-18T18:54:08+01:00

iPhone Review: the best office PDA ever


Many people have jumped both onto and off of the iPhone release wagon. First it was touted as the next big thing, a mind blowing, life changing and stylish entry into the phone market. Bringing with it some amazing connectivity apps and the Apple pledge “that if you used this phone then you were officially cool” Even the price wasn't putting too many people off.

iPhone Review: the best office PDA ever2016-10-18T18:54:09+01:00



Not since ancient times has a movie so polarized critical opinion. Is the movie racist? Was it boo’ed in Germany? Did the London Metro really give it 1 star? It [...]

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