Airsoft Films Playlist
Airsoft Films Articles
You’re the Pretender – a Tier 1 tribute
A loving tribute to 5 years of Tier 1 Military Simulations events. They say that it is only when you lose something that you realise the value it had. That emotional wrench requires a loss of access. Not that airsoft is banned or that I am banned from enjoying [...]
Film commission – Advert for
Basho Films is proud to present a film commission for; a new milsim company setting up in the UK. I was contacted about doing a film for this new company, but there was a problem - they had no footage yet. Always ready to meet a challenge I suggested a short [...]
Tier 1 Military Simulation – Operation PAYBACK – Download Now
This incredibly well played event showcased some of the highest quality effects ever used in milsim. Including RPG attacks, EOD detonations, explosive entry and more. All captured in the 20 minute film from Outside Context. If you have any interest in milsim then this is a must watch!
Tier 1 Military Simulation – Operation DEADLIGHT Promo
This Tier 1 event included elements of a Tier 1 Sub Op and involved two live kidnaps of players obtaining their Tier 1 Team Badges. Some fantastic action, strong story and roleplay. Basho is proud to present some of the finest milsim on the planet.
Tier 1 Military Simulation – Operation SANDSTORM DVD release
I know I know, its a year late... but, finally my film of Tier 1 Military Simulation's Operation Sandstorm is complete and released for immediate digital download. (I did a write up of the event, which you can find here) Mission : Operation Sandstorm Place: STANTA Date: Aug 2012 About: Working [...]
Tier 1 Military Simulation – Operation ORCHID DAWN promo
New release! Just fresh off the render machine is our latest production for Tier 1; Operation Orchid Dawn. In aid of the charity ORCHID - Fighting Male Cancer, Warrior (UKAZ) in association with TIER 1 Military Simulation Ltd is proud to present Operation ORCHID DAWN. North East Helmand Province, Afghanistan. [...]
Tier 1 Military Simulation – Operation SANDSTORM Writeup
"But I didn't want to raise the alarm" "Why not?" I asked "Well," said the man, uncertainty creeping into his voice as his mind digested what he was about to say, "I didn't want to wake everyone up." "Some might just say," I pointed out in an even voice, "that, [...]
Tier 1 Military Simulation – JAWBREAKER and BLACKHEART DVD release
Shot entirely on location at CopeHill Down. The main feature is 37 minutes of the best milsim ever undertaken in the UK! I had an inside track on the “serial” events, a first person perspective on the role play and took part in all the big actions – including the capture of the objective for the US team. All cut together with music and professionally coloured, this is a great film of how deep milsim can go.
Tier 1 Military Simulation – Operation JAWBREAKER writeup
I have played many and been to many events where the organisers said they had reached the perfect balance point between real military exercises and a simple skirmish. I realise now that they either made the game too boring or little more than a skirmish with complex medic rules; milsim for the Xbox generation. In Operation Jawbreaker, Tier 1 also strived for that perfect balance themselves and in the most important respects I think that they came damn close to achieving it.
Tier 1 Military Simulation – Operation BLACKHEART promo
This is a dual editor collaboration. The DVD will contain 2 x 30 minute renders of the footage from the game (one by me and one by Chris). We had filmmakers following both teams, capturing all the briefings, the serial events and all the action in the best FPS Basho tradition - quite a package!
Tier 1 Military Simulation – Tier 1 – Year 1
This film is a compilation of clips and unseen footage from the games I attended run by Tier 1 Military Simulation. Before 2011 I had not played much milsim, now... well I recently laid in a puddle from 1am, freezing cold and surrounded by poisonous mushrooms, for 8 hours to spring an ambush! I fell asleep and started snoring. Moments later I was awoken by a wet weight crashing down on my back. Team commander Trip had thrown a log at me, missed, hit a tree and it had collapsed a rotten limb across my sprawled form. Had the opposition walked past at that particular moment then they would have heard the rest of the concealed team completely failing to stop laughing.
Tier 1 Military Simulation – Helicopter Ops at ROLLING THUNDER
Here is a quick cut, colour and render of the Helicopter Assault during Tier One's Rolling Thunder Milsim event. I have put this together at the request of a friend, this isn't the official film -- I am doing an "end of year special" -- this is just to wet [...]
Tier 1 Military Simulation – Operation BLADERUNNER
My first ever commissioned film was released today and stands as a landmark for Basho films. I have learned more about Sony Vegas, filmmaking and special effects from this project than I could have ever imagined. The background to the film is what is known as “milsim” or “Military Simulation”. [...]
Tier 1 Military Simulation – Operation SNAKEBITE I have often remarked that the challenge of making an airsoft film - when you are also playing in the game - is that you can only edit what you film. In other words: all the events and action is "live" and you cannot simply stop filming, back [...]
Ground Zero Weekender 2010 – The DA Team
It was when I was sitting in the steam room at Virgin Active with 20 sweaty men all dressed in the same set of bright beach shorts, and making jokes about their penises, that something struck me as odd, “This has to be,” I announced into the cloud of steam, which was being jetted into the room at an alarming rate and temperature, “the most surreal Ground Zero Weekender I have ever been to.”
Sennybridge, a Basho film about “The Chernarus Conflict”
To those of you who play computer games, the country of Chernarus may ring a few bells. As anyone who loves the Arma series of games from Bohemia Interactive will tell you Chernarus, or Black Russia, is a fictional post-USSR country somewhere in the East that is used as the main game location. TA Events have licensed the entire storyline from Bohemia meaning that players at the event could sign up to the various factions found in the series. When someone says that you should get out from behind the keyboard and get some exercise, these events enable you to re live the brilliant, in-depth storyline for (almost) real. A detailed account of the factions and background to the event can be found here and it has a very professional depth to it not usually available to airsofters.
Operation Zulu
The DA’s have played some unusual games over the years, but this was a first for us: this was the first time that we were asked to be a scripted opposition. The idea has a lot of merit if you think about it. Firstly, games often ebb and flow randomly. One side may gain the upper hand in an attack, but they loose too many men to reinforce the position and soon are driven back and it is the other team who are then on the offensive. Similar to a game of football. However, sometimes a team simply hammers all opposition to such an extent that the suffering team cannot fulfil their objectives at all. Sometimes they cannot get out of their safe zone. The game suddenly becomes unbalanced, tempers raise, cries of cheating go up and no fun is had at all. Well, at least none by the team getting a kicking.
Band of Delta-Alpha : A Basho Film
The Ground Zero Weekender is the biggest yearly event on the UK Airsoft calendar.
Longmoor November 2007
The DA airsoft team attend the Longmoor weekender and win the Snatch Cup!
Ground Zero National Airsoft Game 2007
The state of the badd'ass art! On the september bank holiday weekend, the DA's went to the National Airsoft Event hosted at Ground Zero. I made a movie of the event that shows how much great fun we all had!
Travel Films Playlist
Travel Films Articles
Things Will Change – a Basho travel film
Things Will Change A travel film exploring humanity's journey through history, touching on themes of faith, nature, technological advancement, and the essence of human connection. The film is divided into four chapters, each reflecting on different aspects of human existence and evolution, inspired by the [...]
Losing Control, Releasing Nature – The Directors Cut!
In the last of my series of films re-examining my output over the last 10 years, I present the definitive edition of my film celebrating my wife’s silver gilt award at the RHS show. The background to the film was that Cesca’s Garden Design class had headed down to the [...]
50 Shades of Uluru
Come see the ever changing colours of Uluru in all its unbelievably rich and mesmerising splendor at sunset. Followed by the next morning as the sun rises and the colours grow as the sun bathes the rock faces in light.
Wudang Mountain – Climbing the Dao in China
A journey to Wudang Mountain; the small mountain range in the northwestern part of Hubei, China, just south of Shiyan. This film details the 20,000 steps up this magical mountain and the strange Daoist religious monastery atop. Through the clouds and out of oneself, you really feel a part [...]
New Zealand – Country of Contrasts (Special Edition)
After watching LOTR for the first time I started a long journey of the heart. The first steps were the reading of the book itself, now and forever with the New Zealand landscape in my mind, followed by many years wondering if the real country actually looked like that. Many [...]
China’s National Treasures – Pandas and the Terracotta Warriors
Everyone loves Pandas and at the Panda Conservation Centre near Chengdu, China is probably the best place to see them in the world. Watching them reminded me of the Douglas Adams quote: "...On the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than [...]
Hong Kong City Blues – Special Edition
This is a “Special Edition” of my Hong Kong at night film. The beautiful skyline of Hong Kong at night! Come with us through the brightly lit, and empty of people, Business District and then over the river to Kowloon Bay to look back. The buildings [...]
Wudang Mountain: A Basho Film
In 2009 Cesca and I visited the amazing slopes of Wudang Mountain. The mountain is located roughly in northwestern part of Hubei Province of China. This peak is part of the larger Wudang Shan mountain range that runs through the area, but it is this particular peak that is the most famous. This is due to [...]
Varanasi City of Gods – Special Edition
How does it make one feel to be in one of the most “holy” cities in the world?
Hong Kong City Blues : A Basho Film
The magical night skyline of Hong Kong
Temples of Angkor : A Basho Film
After spending 3 days over Xmas 2008 in Siem Reap, and recording over 2 hours of footage of our exploration of these amazing structures, I couldn't help but make a short film to celebrate them.
Tracking the Predator : A Basho Film
Get up close with a wild Tiger!
Lets go tubing! A Basho Film
"Lets go tubing!" This video highlights the crazy day my friends and I had while tubing the legendary Mekong river in Vang Veng, Laos, South East Asia in November 2008.
James and Cesca’s Xmas message!
Happy Christmas everyone! Here is a short film of Cesca and I giving all our Christmas greetings from sunny Cambodia! We have been away for 6 months now - halfway! - and are missing all our friends and families, especially around Christmas; however, the modern cost of mobile [...]
New Zealand : A Basho Film
A short (10 minute) film highlighting New Zealand. Includes whales in Kaikoura, Fjords, Glaciers by Helicopter, The far north, the Volcanic heart, the sounds and a trip through the forests of this magical country!
Fear is the mind killer
Cesca skydives 15,000ft and Basho jumps the 134m highwire Nevis bungy!
A Basho Film : Australia
A short fun film highlighting our trip to Australia, showing some of the fantastic things we saw in this wonderful country. A tribute to the nation before we move on to New Zealand... Oh! comments about the new intro welcome!
A Basho Film: Colours of Uluru
Welcome, Here is the latest short film for your enjoyment. This one shows our amazing time at Uluru over sunset and sunrise. See how the colours of the rock change in response to the light! As always comments are most welcome, Regards, Basho
A Basho Film: Australia Zoo!
The latest Basho film: our visit to Australia Zoo! Enjoy, Basho
A Basho Film: Blue Hunter
Here is the next in the line of Basho Films. I am working hard on the next one and have something a little special in mind from then on. I love creating them and hope to show some vastly improved technique over the coming months! I have some simply amazing [...]
A Basho Film: Sydney Harbour!
Thanks for all the fantastic feedback on the last Basho Film! Here is the latest, I present Sydney Harbour! There is already another to upload and many more to come including Australia Zoo! If you like it please either leave a comment or digg/stumble it. Regards, Basho [...]
A Basho Film: San Francisco!
I finally found enough bandwidth to upload my first travel film; San Francisco! I hope you like it and all comments are very welcome. This is the first of an ongoing set of films outlining our travels over the next year. Next to come is Sydney (complete) and Hunter Valley [...]