About Basho

Bio: Philosopher, filmmaker, writer and AI expert. Occupation: Head of AI for a large corporation. Interests: Watches, debate, cooking, computer-gaming, reading, writing, videoing, martial arts, air­soft, movies, diving, skiing… (The list goes on — Basho is a philosopher and therefore into everything!)

Remembering Catherine


"Remembering Catherine" by Basho Today, on the anniversary of her passing, I present a new painting; a present for my mother in law. This digital portrait was painted in [...]

Remembering Catherine2023-03-06T17:27:23+00:00

A Wild Sheep Chase


**Caution this post contains spoilers for The Wild Sheep Chase!** When I was a child, I had no one to play Dungeons and Dragons with, it being the 80’s [...]

A Wild Sheep Chase2024-06-06T16:42:15+01:00

The Storm King’s Thunder and the Dragon’s Bane


There follows the campaign we have played all through the 2020 lockdown. It has helped us all resist the mental anguish of the COVID virus, recover from the infection itself and be a beacon of bright enjoyment for all. Truly the great value of this magical game cannot be overstated when played with attentive and imaginative children. So, I present the chronicle of my son, my daughter and my wife playing their first campaign after the starter set, Storm King's Thunder!

The Storm King’s Thunder and the Dragon’s Bane2024-06-06T16:32:03+01:00

Goodbye Mum


So much of human suffering and pain shares a common cause. We all feel it, but; may not consciously recognise it working upon us. It is something we are [...]

Goodbye Mum2020-05-08T19:29:43+01:00

OMEGA Speedmaster Professional “Moonwatch” review


THE SPEEDMASTER PROFESSIONAL MOONWATCH. For well over half a century, the OMEGA Speedmaster has witnessed events that have tested the limits of physical endurance and human courage, including the first manned lunar landing in July of 1969 and every one of NASA’s piloted missions since March of 1965.

OMEGA Speedmaster Professional “Moonwatch” review2024-06-06T19:20:45+01:00

8 Years’ today!


8 Years' ago today, Cesca and I took off on a 1 year backpacking adventure around the World. I'll never forget those memories and the lessons I learned. We met [...]

8 Years’ today!2016-10-18T18:49:45+01:00

Tier 1 Military Simulation – Operation PAYBACK – Download Now


This incredibly well played event showcased some of the highest quality effects ever used in milsim. Including RPG attacks, EOD detonations, explosive entry and more. All captured in the 20 minute film from Outside Context. If you have any interest in milsim then this is a must watch!

Tier 1 Military Simulation – Operation PAYBACK – Download Now2021-03-29T10:36:43+01:00

Endings and Beginnings – Basho and Cesca return home from their adventures


Endings are actually beginnings too. This is what I told myself as I sat in the tiny, oh so tiny, room in Osaka. It's one of those glass half empty [...]

Endings and Beginnings – Basho and Cesca return home from their adventures2016-10-18T18:50:19+01:00

Tier 1 Military Simulation – Operation DEADLIGHT Promo


This Tier 1 event included elements of a Tier 1 Sub Op and involved two live kidnaps of players obtaining their Tier 1 Team Badges. Some fantastic action, strong story and roleplay. Basho is proud to present some of the finest milsim on the planet.

Tier 1 Military Simulation – Operation DEADLIGHT Promo2021-03-29T10:56:05+01:00
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