Professional Philosophy is over 3000 years old, but amateur Philosophy is as old as time. I fell in love with the subject at high school and soon headed out to University to dedicate myself to studying it in depth. That is a decision I have never regretted as my University years were a time of great learning and exploring the hundreds of books on this subject. I coined the following quote about the meaning of Philosophy:

Philosophy is not about having all the answers, it is about having a better understanding of the questions.

Analysis, rational thought and that ability to step back and ask “why?”. These are all skills the modern world is in dire need of. It is where we often find that we do things and really we don’t even know why we do them. It is here that we discuss and debate, here that ideas are thrown in the crucible and melted down to core concepts, steeled and ready to be beaten into the new.

Chan Buddhism, Daoism and Zen – Journey through the East


Writing an article about Zen is almost a contradiction in terms. That is unless I simply leave the rest of it blank... Just a finger, pointing to the moon… [...]

Chan Buddhism, Daoism and Zen – Journey through the East2024-06-06T16:49:10+01:00

Physics versus Philosophy, can these two not get along?


It just has always been my position that Philosophy and Science are not in competition to uncover the secret of reality, and that the attempts by Physicists to paint this dichotomy was self-destructive and not worthy of their time. It is almost as if they are leaving their old enemy of "Religion" alone and picking on a group they don’t think will fight back.

Physics versus Philosophy, can these two not get along?2016-10-18T18:51:28+01:00

Inside the behavior of the UK looters, why do they make such bad choices?


The recent riots got me philosophically thinking and the following analysis is the results of those thoughts. Much of the behavioural science is from the book “Predictably Irrational”, which I [...]

Inside the behavior of the UK looters, why do they make such bad choices?2016-10-18T18:51:34+01:00

Stephen Hawking – “The Grand Design” book review by Basho


I’m an avid reader of New Scientist magazine. In fact I get it every week. The headline will usually be about something “quantum” or allude to some current or near [...]

Stephen Hawking – “The Grand Design” book review by Basho2016-10-18T18:52:03+01:00

What is consciousness? Is it the “self”? Is it “me”? Basho argues no!


You are in possession of the one of the universe’s most mysterious objects. Your personal copy of this object differs in function only slightly from all the other similar objects [...]

What is consciousness? Is it the “self”? Is it “me”? Basho argues no!2016-10-18T18:52:11+01:00

The Harsh Judge


For most martial artists, being mugged in broad daylight is an unlikely occurrence. Fit, aware and confident looking people do not make inviting targets. However, in modern society criminals are [...]

The Harsh Judge2016-10-18T18:52:19+01:00



My answer to this question posted on Yedda, lebenlechzer Do we have a freewill? Do you think mankind has a freewill? Is everything predefined or do we have the chance [...]


The Salmon of Doubt


Gday all Has anyone else read “The Salmon of Doubt” penned by the late great Douglas Adams? One section in a whole host of sections mentioning religion is the part [...]

The Salmon of Doubt2016-10-18T18:54:36+01:00

A War Letter


 My darling wife, I cry a bitter tear at being parted from you during this awful conflict.  It is terrible, not only because all war is terrible, but also because [...]

A War Letter2016-10-18T18:54:44+01:00
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