8 Years’ ago today, Cesca and I took off on a 1 year backpacking adventure around the World.
I’ll never forget those memories and the lessons I learned. We met some incredible people on the way, from curious Australians telling tall tales about meeting the pope dressed as Charlie Chaplin (which turned out to be true) to a mature English lady in a very strange café in the high mountains of Shimla. Not to mention the legendary Irish charm and wit of our companions through Laos and China. I will never forget partaking of Yak Butter Tea in the high slopes of Tibet, finding the world’s largest spider sharing my squat toilet in Laos, Christmas day sunrise at Angkor Wat temple, Sleeping in the Outback, Jumping the high wire bungee in New Zealand, watching whales by Helicopter, standing where Gandhi lost his life, sitting where the Buddha became enlightened, walking the Great Wall, finding my faith up the 20 thousand steps of Mount Wudang, and Concluding the endless journey by drinking Matcha green tea in a Zen temple in Kyoto.
We spent 5 years writing about it at outsidecontext.com and we have had it published online, in iPhone apps and even parts printed by Cambridge University for English exams!
Most of all, I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to Nicholas Mercer, without whom we never would have been able to go. Thank you.