New release!

Just fresh off the render machine is our latest production for Tier 1; Operation Orchid Dawn.

In aid of the charity ORCHID – Fighting Male Cancer, Warrior (UKAZ) in association with TIER 1 Military Simulation Ltd is proud to present Operation ORCHID DAWN.

North East Helmand Province, Afghanistan.

ISAF Commanders have received high level intelligence indicating a large increase in the amount of insurgents crossing into the Paktika Province Afghanistan from across the nearby AFPAK border and Pakistan.

Paktika’s Provincial Governor, Gulabuddin Mangal has indicated that he is against the use of his province and its capital Sharana being used as a staging ground by insurgent Al Qaeda and Taliban (AQT) fighters and has agreed to allow a United Kingdom Special Forces (UKSF) Task Force (TF) to be deployed to the region in order to Kill / Capture specific AQT High Value Individuals (HVI) and protect a scheduled meeting in the Capital between the governor Mangal, ANA, ANP and ISAF Commanders. The meeting is set to ensure that the flow of insurgent forces crossing the AFPAK border into Afghanistan is put to an end for good.

TF 842?s mission is set to be a dangerous operation made more complex by having to operate in a hostile urban environment populated by civilians as well as insurgents. The TF will face a constant threat of who is friendly and who is the enemy.

We know the enemy will use every available means to defeat the TF which will include: Car Bombs, IED’s, Suicide bombers, Snipers, Mortar barrages and all out attacks on the coalition forces and their Patrol Base (PB).

TF 842 are therefore to prepare for an Extremely High Risk (EHR) counter insurgency operation in an urban environment.


The Promo:



About the film:

I had a lot of fun with making this film, which features some of the great “serials” (events in the game) devised by Tier1. So much effort goes into these and I look forwards to showcasing some of that in the final film.

Available to order now – instant Download!


Images from the film:


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Hope you enjoy it – if you do please share on Facebook and Twitter!


Many thanks!


